Bowen Therapy Healing Modality Certificate Course (6 CEU)
An incredibly powerful remedial therapy for massage therapists or anyone else that wants to learn how to heal people.
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Whether you are a massage therapist or have absolutely no experience in massage therapy at all, you can learn this incredible healing technique.
This is a safe, powerful and incredibly effective technique that anyone can learn!
No need for a massage table or oils! It can also be performed with your massage clients, friends or family fully clothed.
If you are a massage therapist, this will completely change your massage business in the conditions that you will now be able to help.
If you are a massage therapist then not only does this give your body a rest from doing massage all of the time but also you will be able to offer Bowen therapy to your massage clients to treat an enormous variety of muscle and joint problems (both acute and chronic)systemic disorders, fascial problems, structural problems, acute sprains and strains and so many other conditions that you would never have dreamed of being able to successfully treat before as a massage therapist.
So what conditions may Bowen Therapy help with?
- Acute injuries/sprains and strains
- Allergies
- Arthritis
- Asthma and other respiratory problems
- Back and neck problems
- Bedwetting, incontinence
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Chronic fatigue
- Constipation and diarrhea
- Digestive upsets IBS, Crohn’s, acid reflux, indigestion
- Dizziness
- Emotional problems-Anxiety/Stress
- Energy levels
- Fibromyalgia
- Fluid retention
- Frozen shoulder
- Headaches (migraine, sinus, tension)
- Improving posture, flexibility, pelvic tilt, leg length, hip imbalance
- Knee and hip pain and restrictions
- Repetitive Strain Injury
- Sciatica
- All skeletal and muscular problems from the feet to the head
- Sports injuries
- Tennis/golfer’s elbow
...To name but a few.
What is Bowen Technique or Bowen Therapy?
The Bowen technique was developed from the amazing work of the late Mr Tom Bowen of Geelong, Victoria. Taught and practiced all over the world since the 1980's, Bowen Therapy is now one of the fastest growing natural therapies of current times.
The Bowen technique is a not a massage technique as such. It is a very gentle and non-invasive, but extremely powerful, soft connective tissue hands-on therapy that addresses whatever is out of balance within the body.
Fascia is a specific type of connective tissue that forms a three dimensional web surrounding every tissue in the body. Considered the body's connecting web, Fascia embraces all nerves, bones, arteries, veins, organs and muscles.
The Bowen Therapy moves at specific points on the body send a message to the nervous system to rebalance the body, heal itself by affecting the fascial dysfunction(and other mechanisms) which then creates a healing response thus helping misalignments, inflammation, organ dysfunction, pain stiffness and so on.
Fascial dysfunction can affect every structure, muscle, nerve and organ in the body and Bowen Therapy directly affects the fascia which is one of the reasons that Bowen Therapy can have such profound effects.
By learning Bowen Therapy you will see why hundreds of thousands of people thoughout the world swear by Bowen Therapy and it's seemingly miraculous results at times!
Your Instructor
Mark is an approved provider with NCBTMB (National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork #1805)
Course Curriculum
PreviewBowen therapy (1:26)
PreviewWhy should you believe me? That's a good question (2:12)
StartWhere did Bowen Therapy originate from? (0:39)
StartDownload the Bowen Therapy handbook (0:22)
PreviewWhat is Bowen Therapy exactly and how does it work? (4:46)
StartHow do you do it? (9:48)
StartThe 2 minute breaks (3:02)
StartThe treatment room is super important as well (5:05)
StartClothes or no clothes? Give the client the choice (1:54)
StartOne of the great advantages of doing Bowen therapy (1:16)
StartMassage Therapists-just think about the enormous potential this has for you (1:19)
StartContraindications (1:11)
StartYou can join over 20,000 students on FB and instagram! (0:33)
StartThe lower back procedure (BRM 1) (4:51)
StartLower Back Procedure BRM 1 (moves 1-4) (7:35)
StartLower Back Procedure BRM 1 (moves 5-8) (9:37)
StartLower Back Procedure BRM 1 (moves 9 and 10) (3:40)
StartLower Back Procedure BRM 1 (moves 11 and 12) (3:08)
StartThats it! You did it! (2:29)
StartNO SOUND? I have added lectures to make it easier to practice the moves for you (1:50)
StartLower Back Procedure BRM 1 Review (9:24)
StartNO SOUND Lower Back Procedure BRM 1 with 2 minute breaks (17:43)