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Craniosacral Therapy for Dogs and Cats Certificate Course
Firstly, what is it good at treating? (0:50)
Secondly, who is this course made for? (1:41)
Please make sure to download your EBook on CST for Dogs and Cats (1:24)
THIS is what CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY does to dogs and cats (2:28)
There is no placebo involved and we get results-what's up with that? (0:44)
Palpating the bones and sutures-let's get you started! (1:15)
Do you need to do the next section? Here is the answer. (1:01)
My Facebook group and Instagram are great resources for you (0:33)
New to craniosacral therapy?-this section is for you.
A brief history (4:05)
The balance between biomechanical and biodynamic models (2:09)
Craniosacral Therapy…What is it Really? (3:36)
A word about these upcoming lectures (1:03)
Lets do this palpation exercise-the skin, muscles and fascia (8:22)
Lets do this palpation exercise-the synovial joints (6:02)
Lets do this palpation exercise-the pulses (12:20)
Lets do this palpation exercise-alternating between breath and cardio rhythms (7:33)
The heart beat awareness exercise (4:09)
The repelling hands exercise (5:31)
The healing light energy exercise which I love! (6:12)
A quick look at the anatomy- The cranium (2:58)
The craniosacral rhythm (3:26)
A quick look at the anatomy- The meninges (2:18)
Entrainment-How you use it to heal your clients (5:44)
Proof of the craniosacral rhythm (7:02)
The craniosacral rhythm palpation exercise (11:59)
The Frontal Bone release on Yourself (8:09)
Before we start lets take a quick look at some important basics.
The Therapeutic Releases of the Body (7:28)
A quick overall look at the anatomy of a dog and cat (3:20)
Remember you are doing this FOR your pet, not TO your pet. (4:33)
When is the best time to do craniosacral therapy for them? (1:10)
Keeping constant contact is also an important factor (1:30)
Where should you do the massage and on what? (3:53)
Another option to you is to do home visits to treat their pets (0:47)
What's to see here? Mixing this with massage? Absolutely ! (1:06)
Treat them when they are sleeping if you can (1:03)
Getting started-the key points. (8:44)
UPDATE-we had to find a new happy place and multiple holds (2:16)
The Occipital Release (5:33)
The Thoracic Opening Release (5:00)
The Respiratory Diaphragm Release (3:42)
The Lumbosacral Release (6:25)
Final Hold: Occipital-Sacral Release (1:34)
The Frontal Release (6:50)
The Parietal Release/Lift (5:32)
The Temporal Release (3:29)
The Mandible Release (2:22)
The Occipital Bone Release (2:18)
The sacral-occipital hold (1:14)
This is how to adapt craniosacral therapy for use on horses (0:59)
Congrats! you have finished the course! (1:22)
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The repelling hands exercise
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