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Cupping Therapy For Trigger Points Certificate Course 5 CEU
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Why do cupping therapy for Myofascial And Trigger Points Release? (2:30)
Can you treat yourself or is it only for treating other people? (0:34)
Download your ebook (0:35)
Let's look at cupping therapy and the advanced techniques that you can use. (0:32)
What types of cups should you buy? Option 1-Fire cupping (2:20)
Option 2 - The hard plastic cups (3:19)
Option 3 -The soft silicone cups (1:17)
What makes cupping so unique (1:14)
Which lubricants you can use for cupping (1:06)
How to apply the cups and do sliding cupping and static cupping (8:29)
The static lift technique (2:34)
Turning the volume up and down technique (2:56)
Around the clock face (1:52)
North, South, East and West (1:39)
Twist and 'no' shout technique (1:52)
The Myofascial Release technique (2:50)
Shake, rattle and roll (1:20)
Letting the cup communicate with you (1:49)
Active and passive release techniques (2:36)
Cleaning and sanitizing your cups (0:30)
Contraindications and precautions (1:05)
Understanding what those red marks are (4:31)
The hairy clients-what to do (2:18)
24 summary test ant (1:59)
One final word about the cupping in this course (1:01)
You can join our FB group and ask questions with thousands of students as well (0:33)
Do you need to do this section? Let's find out (0:50)
Why my trigger point courses are completely different and so easy to learn (1:53)
My number 1 problem with standard trigger point therapy (1:16)
This is the number 2 reason I didn't use trigger point therapy in my spa (1:36)
What is a trigger point and how do we find one? Let's do it now. (3:39)
Why you cant stretch away the pain (3:00)
Massage therapists-This is not just about treating pain for your clients (1:15)
So let's start with a fabulous general back treatment (1:16)
Here is a great treatment for the whole back (13:36)
A word about the upcoming sections and what you need to know. (1:44)
Let's get started! Treating both sides (1:33)
Lets take a look at the trigger points now at the front and side of the legs (7:22)
Lets take a look at treating those trigger points (10:23)
Doing active release work on the shin with cupping (1:56)
How to simplify treating the back of the legs, ankles and feet (1:59)
How to simplify treating the back of the legs, ankles and feet (4:19)
Lets take a look at treating those trigger points (9:23)
Don't forget to treat the feet! They may have active trigger points as well (1:42)
How to treat the trigger points on your client's feet (6:32)
Now to start treating conditions on the forearms, wrists and hands (4:05)
You are about to learn a specific system to treat these conditions (10:36)
How to do cupping for these trigger points (6:57)
How to treat the tops and sides of the hands (4:28)
Before we go any further-remember that we don't cup the scalenes (0:32)
How to treat the scalenes firstly on yourself. (5:41)
How to treat the scalenes on your clients (5:03)
Now to do the cupping for the chest and medial triceps on yourself (5:04)
Now to do the cupping for trigger points on the forearms and hand (9:47)
How this section works-a logical step by step progression (1:10)
Deep back muscles (3:06)
Superficial back muscles (2:02)
Quadratus lumborum Q.L. (2:45)
Gluteus medius (1:21)
How to do cupping for the trigger points with lower back pain (9:13)
Back of the thigh pain/hamstring pain/tight hamstrings (5:37)
How to treat the trigger points on the hamstrings (2:59)
Lateral knee pain (1:22)
How to treat the trigger points for lateral knee pain (8:48)
Posterior knee pain (2:38)
Anterior knee pain (5:14)
How to treat the trigger points for anterior knee pain (7:07)
Medial knee pain (2:08)
How to treat the trigger points for mediall knee pain (4:01)
Now let's take a look at treating neck pain (1:16)
The MOST COMMON trigger point that affects virtually everyone! Trapezius pt.1 (7:10)
Stiff, tight necks? This is another incredibly powerful point! Trapezius pt.2 (6:18)
How to find these next points-finding the superior angle of the scapula (1:20)
The crick in the neck culprit! Levator Scapulae tr. points (4:37)
Sternocleidomastoid (SCM). Its involved in SO MANY conditions! (1:19)
Once again, we will not do cupping on the SCM. (0:32)
Now lets treat those SCM (sternocleidomastoid) trigger points! (6:12)
How to massage the SCM (sternocleidomastoid) on your client (3:59)
How to treat the other trigger points for neck pain with cupping (4:37)
Neck pain fixed in 90 seconds! 2.5m views! Lets do it! (3:31)
Let's simplify everything shall we? (2:49)
Having a system for treating on and around the shoulder blades (3:21)
How to do cupping on and around the shoulder blades (8:03)
If you are doing this for your own pain (2:27)
Make sure that you treat both sides (1:06)
How to treat the trigger points for side of the shoulder pain (3:09)
How to treat the trigger points for front of the shoulder pain (1:26)
How to treat the trigger points for back of the shoulder pain (2:40)
Treating the subscapularis (2:18)
How to treat the trigger points for upper back pain (2:16)
Treating the Scalenes on yourself (5:41)
How to massage the scalenes on your clients (5:03)
If you have done my deep tissue trigger point massage courses you can do this (0:31)
congrats! (0:40)
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