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EFT Tapping-The Path To Emotional Freedom Certificate Course
Emotional freedom technique
Welcome to EFT! (3:39)
Download your Ebook (3:16)
Weeding our emotional garden. The most important step! (3:25)
The set up statement (8:41)
Now we tap with our reminder phrase (6:58)
WTH? My SUDS is higher! What did I do wrong? (0:54)
Now that the 'weeds' have been pulled, it's affirmation time. (2:33)
Let's be very clear. EFT has nothing to do with willpower. (3:18)
Tapping different levels to get to the bottom of the issues (5:00)
Important-look for the emotional crescendo in the past events (5:08)
Neuroplasticity. You will actually be changing your brain's wiring! (1:35)
I hope you don't mind Gingy throughout the course (0:53)
Let's just go through the basics and summarize the process (7:32)
Hey! The EFT tapping thing didn't work for me! (0:54)
Now let's take a look at how to change areas of your life (2:10)
Are you resistant to change in areas of your life? (9:51)
Tapping to remove your resistance to change (2:21)
The table top method-Dealing with core beliefs that don't serve you (5:42)
Are you skeptical about what you want to change about yourself? (5:53)
Remember that this is a skill like any other that needs to be honed (3:04)
Why I do not recommend using tapping scripts (3:38)
The 'tried everything and nothing works' tapping for areas in your life (3:58)
Removing the 'shoulds' from your life to take away guilt and pressure (3:20)
Remember to always look out for limiting core beliefs! (2:59)
Stress, frustration, feeling overwhelmed-tapping just the emotions (4:57)
Remember to look at all of the sections in all aspects of your life (2:08)
Reframe-when you have a cognitive shift. (2:59)
My humiliation turns to anger! When tapping brings out other emotions (6:28)
An important note about dealing with phobias. (1:18)
Thieves breaking in, black cats, broken mirrors and new shoes on tables. (4:37)
When dealing with removing phobias, look at the aspects for better results
Important! Seeing yourself no longer having the phobia anymore. (3:01)
Needle phobias, mean nurses, painful buttocks and overcoming it all. (5:05)
Limited beliefs in areas of your life that don't serve you (2:07)
Incredible! Your subconscious does not know the difference! (2:19)
Cockroaches, spiders, mice, snakes and other creepy crawlies. (5:07)
Dentists, drills, needles, the sounds, the smells. One in 3 people dread them. (4:18)
Remember to go for the aspects and past events that have the most intensity (2:06)
Dealing with fears and phobias. Time to sum this up! (2:16)
Holding onto anger and how to stop it. My embarrassing road rage incident! (4:15)
Using the movie technique to create some distance from the memories (5:05)
How to quickly calm yourself down by going after the emotions only (2:26)
Watch out for the angry voice if it comes back (3:43)
Anger as your identity-not wanting to show weakness. I am a tough guy/gal. (2:07)
Let's now take a look at intimate relationships (8:57)
Gratitude is THE most important virtue! (4:40)
Dealing with the loss of a partner (1:24)
Arguing, fighting and tapping to decrease the anger before discussions (1:47)
Tapping on all other relationships that need it. (1:02)
Using the storytelling technique for difficult memories (2:26)
Using the cinema technique for dealing with traumatic memories (3:33)
Using the imagining technique for very traumatic memories (3:05)
EFT tapping without words-another technqiue that you can use (3:05)
Bad habits, addictions and changing your brain with EFT (8:43)
Helping with weight loss (9:41)
Removing your cravings with EFT (4:58)
See the best you in the future and tapping (3:29)
Healing your body with EFT (10:19)
Helping with physical pain (9:05)
Dealing with sleep issues using EFT (3:02)
Success, wealth and your dreams. Making them a reality! (8:33)
Enhancing your sports performances with EFT (3:02)
Do you have an issue with procrastination? Let's deal with it then (4:53)
Using EFT to become a better parent. (3:06)
Using tapping raising your children, its a parent's best friend! (1:54)
Teaching your children to use EFT for exams, anxiety, bullying and so much more! (1:47)
Politics, vaccines and other areas that may anger you. Let's clear them. (4:07)
Your past events timeline exercise. Clearing the past. (2:42)
Using the personal items technique (2:37)
Share your EFT knowledge with your friends and family as well (1:35)
Congratulations (1:43)
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Tapping different levels to get to the bottom of the issues
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