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The Easiest Method To Assess and Treat Upper Body Conditions
Do you need to do this course? Definitely if you do these things. Or, don't. (1:49)
Can you easily answer these questions? Let's see. (2:02)
Do you need to do the next section? Here is how to tell (0:47)
Important-what you are about to learn you can apply to all your techniques (1:12)
Download these for more information (0:54)
The Tools and the lubricants that you can use (3:10)
How you will take it to the next level with your clients (3:04)
So how is it that people have disc herniations and cartilage tears and no pain? (4:00)
How pain is produced in the body and why its important that you know this. (2:40)
Now that you know this, THIS is your number 1 goal for treatments (1:31)
If you have done my gua sha courses before, I have already taught you this. (2:38)
Be prepared in this lecture to look at treating in a different way! (4:50)
If you are still reeling from that last lecture-here is some hard evidence (1:24)
Lets just summarize that so that you are crystal clear (7:33)
If someone has had great results before from a type of treatment (1:02)
Is there a time that you should go heavier? yes. (2:17)
The treatments will come later-first we will do the tests and retests (1:20)
The simplest hands off neck treatment that I have helped 1,000s of people (6:13)
Now you can take it to the next level, if you need to that is (6:58)
And here is a simple addition or alternative that you can give-and thats it! (6:00)
How to add the great technique to increase ROMs and decrease pain (5:21)
A quick test to check general ranges of movement (6:40)
Now I will show you a simple assessment grading system that you can use. (9:32)
Look for these two patterns in the neck-they are incredibly common (4:23)
Most people will get better quickly-how to tell which ones they are (4:23)
So why are neck retractions so important? (3:55)
The red, orange and green lights of progressions (6:56)
Lets just summarize where we are before moving forwards (3:41)
Questioning your client with neck pain (12:41)
How to fix your own neck pain-and your clients of course (11:40)
A word about working with elderly or weak clients (10:49)
How to do the quick initial assessment on your clients for all UQ problems (8:35)
Now we can start checking the neck with retractions to look for patterns (4:37)
Now we have assessed, we can start doing repetitive loading strategies (7:33)
Introduction to this section (1:10)
Here are some advanced techniques if you need to improve them further (4:24)
How to do advanced gua sha to the neck in a seated position (5:06)
Full one hour deep tissue myofascial back, neck and arms massage sequence (61:41)
How to do cupping for trigger points to the upper back in a prone position (13:36)
How to do advanced gua sha to the neck in a supine position (5:22)
What to do if they are pain free (1:35)
The shoulder 'shotgun' magic trick (4:34)
The shoulder assessment-sitting (6:13)
What functional movement can't they do? Find out as its important (1:04)
How to do the shoulder assessment procedures on your clients (4:22)
How to check for decreased ROMs in a supine position (1:18)
How to do advanced Gua Sha for the shoulder seated (4:18)
The thoracic asessement . (5:49)
How to do the thoracic rotations standing (1:12)
How to do the thoracic assessment procedure on your clients (1:09)
Lets have a look at what to do if the median nerve is involved (10:55)
Lets have a look at what to do if the ulnar nerve is involved (5:40)
Lets have a look at what to do if the radial nerve is involved (3:09)
How to do treatments for someone with nerve related symptoms (2:04)
Lets now take a look at the forearms and wrists (2:30)
Elbow mobilizations (2:28)
The most common wrist patterns and what to do (5:58)
Treatment techniques-cupping for trigger points (6:57)
congrats (1:30)
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How to do advanced gua sha to the neck in a supine position
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