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Myofascial Tissue Flossing/Taping Certificate Course
How I have laid out this course for you (1:02)
How this has helped me personally (6:09)
First, what is tissue flossing good for? (1:55)
ok, then how is it supposed to work? (3:00)
What types of tapes are available? (1:40)
What are the contraindications? (1:15)
You can join our FB group and ask questions with thousands of students as well (0:33)
Briefly, how do you do this? (7:51)
The Upper Body
Is that a cat that I keep seeing? (0:53)
Ok, now it is go time! (0:26)
The hands and wrists (5:28)
The forearms-how to do a general application for your forearms (5:16)
Tennis elbow and extensor treatments (4:55)
A look at treating golfers elbow and flexor strength (3:18)
How therapists can start incorporating this in their treatments (3:03)
Doing treatments for hands, thumbs and fingers (3:07)
The elbows (4:07)
The Biceps (4:35)
The Triceps (2:11)
The Shoulder (3:39)
The Lower Limbs
The quadriceps/thighs (3:10)
The adductors/groin (1:38)
The hamstrings (2:37)
The knee (3:17)
The knee option 2 (2:05)
The calves (2:23)
The achilles tendon (4:01)
The front and side of the shins (3:32)
The ankles and feet (4:56)
Congratulations (0:31)
Teach online with
The forearms-how to do a general application for your forearms
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