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Deep Tissue Trigger Point Massage Certificate Course Part 2
Important! Where you should start this course (1:21)
My number 1 problem with standard trigger point therapy (1:16)
This is the number 2 reason I didn't use trigger point therapy in my spa (1:36)
Download your trigger point chart Ebook that I have for you (0:54)
What is a trigger point and how do we find one? Let's do it now. (3:39)
Why you cant stretch away the pain (3:00)
Here are some easy tools and things that you can use to save your hands/thumbs (2:31)
Massage therapists-This is not just about treating pain for your clients (1:15)
You can join over 20,000 students on FB and instagram! (0:33)
The upper body massage sequence from my previous course
A word about using massage oils or creams (2:40)
How we use our hands, fists and forearms for the massage (8:05)
The upper body massage sequence (24:18)
Let's take a look at the culprits affecting the lower back
How this section works-a logical step by step progression (1:10)
Deep back muscles (3:06)
Superficial back muscles (2:02)
Quadratus lumborum Q.L. (2:45)
Gluteus medius (1:21)
A word about draping for your clients (4:22)
The lower back pain massage sequence (31:56)
But aren't there more muscles that produce lower back pain? (3:56)
Don't forget if you find the culprit, work it. You found it! (1:00)
How to add the lower back massage to your full back sequence (1:43)
Now we will look at Lower back and buttock pain
Gluteus minimus and Piriformis (2:27)
The Gluteus Maximus (0:24)
EASY! Treating buttock pain and their points (2:52)
The buttock deep tissue trigger point massage sequence (13:47)
You now have the skillset to get great results with LB pain and buttock pain (1:21)
Adding the Soleus, Semitendinosus/Semimembranos trigger points to your treatment
Let's get even better results by adding these muscles to your massage (2:28)
The prone legs massage sequence (12:29)
How to treat the trigger points on the Semitendinosus/Semimembranosus hamstrings (10:34)
How to treat the trigger points on the Soleus (8:02)
Hip pain-it's this EASY!
You won't believe how easy this is to treat with what you already know! (5:08)
How to massage the Vastus lateralis trigger points (8:00)
How to massage the Tensor fasciae latae trigger points (5:46)
Sacral Pain
Sacral pain is once again simple with this system! (4:49)
Now it's time to address sciatica (2:34)
Lower back and buttock pain for the client that only wants to be fixed
Treating the Rectus abdominis and Illiopsoas- 2 hidden culprits potentially (5:37)
Now to treat the person that only wants to be fixed! (2:56)
Treating both these muscle groups in a side lying position (0:41)
Treating the IIliopsoas from a sidelying position (2:19)
Treating the lower back and hips sidelying (8:36)
It is time to treat the hamstring muscles
Back of the thigh pain/hamstring pain/tight hamstrings (5:37)
How to treat the trigger points on the Biceps femoris (hamstrings) (6:52)
Outer thigh pain
So now we start looking at treating muscles with the clients face up (0:22)
The deep tissue leg massage sequence face up (supine) (11:49)
Outer (lateral) thigh pain (1:55)
Illiotibial Band Syndrome (ITB syndrome)
Illiotibial Band Syndrome (ITB syndrome) (2:12)
Knee Pain-it is time to see which muscles refer pain commonly to the knee
Outside (lateral)knee pain (1:22)
Back of (posterior)knee pain (2:38)
How to treat the trigger points on the Gastrocnemius and Popliteus (5:36)
Front (anterior) of knee pain (5:14)
How to treat the trigger points on the adductors (4:42)
How to treat the trigger points on the Rectus femoris (5:27)
Inside (medial) knee pain (2:08)
How to treat the trigger points on the Vastus medialis and Sartorius (4:01)
Practice on the legs trigger points
Do you want to reinforce what I have taught you in the legs sections? (1:11)
Massage legs prone practice (15:27)
Massage legs supine practice (11:29)
Congratulations! (1:48)
Teach online with
Outside (lateral)knee pain
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