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The Easiest Method To Assess and Treat Lower Body Conditions
Could you as a therapist do this right now? (1:50)
How I fixed my worst lower back pain ever and you will be able too (2:15)
My daily loading exercises- do yours for your asymmetries as well (2:04)
Do I need to do the next section? (1:00)
Important-what you are about to learn you can apply to all your techniques (1:12)
Downloads! (0:54)
The Tools and the lubricants that you can use (3:10)
How you will take it to the next level with your clients (3:04)
So how is it that people have disc herniations and cartilage tears and no pain? (4:00)
How pain is produced in the body and why its important that you know this. (2:40)
Now that you know this, THIS is your number 1 goal for treatments (1:31)
If you have done my gua sha courses before, I have already taught you this. (2:38)
Be prepared in this lecture to look at treating in a different way! (4:50)
If you are still reeling from that last lecture-here is some hard evidence (1:24)
Lets just summarize that so that you are crystal clear (7:33)
If someone has had great results before from a type of treatment (1:02)
Is there a time that you should go heavier? yes. (2:17)
5intro rxs (0:52)
A Quick Look at the full client assessment before we start
A Quick Look at the full client assessment before we start (2:08)
How to do the assessment for your clients (2:08)
What to do for someone with central lower back pain (3:02)
The easiest lower back exercises that have helped millions of people (8:27)
A great way to record your assessment with your clients (4:07)
What to look for in the assessment procedure (12:34)
How to do the back exercises to help one-sided pain (8:22)
The centralization concept and how to apply it (3:07)
The stop light rule-should it hurt or not? (4:50)
How often should I recommend the exercises? (2:23)
A standing alternative to help them if they cant lie down (3:14)
How to do flexion with rotation if need be. (4:10)
How to strengthen and balance out the affected side (6:17)
When to introduce flexion again (1:51)
How often do I do exercises when I am out of pain? (1:03)
How to do advanced IASTM Gua Sha for the lower back (prone) (3:25)
How to do advanced IASTM Gua Sha for the lower back (with movements) (2:48)
Doing treatments for the lower back
Let's move on! (1:23)
Remember your goals-the magic happens at end range! (2:06)
How to apply extension mobilizations for your clients (1:54)
How to release the psoas and surrounding structures (3:11)
How to do assisted lateral glides to your clients (2:54)
How to release the quadratus lumborum and surrounding structures (2:26)
Lets now look at different case studies and what to do for each
Client 1- Wants a full body massage but has some lower back pain/stiffness (4:48)
Client 2- Lower back pain but leaving tomorrow so you only have today (10:21)
Client 3- You have no way to massage them and here is how to help them (9:36)
Client 4- Comes to see you specifically to fix their back pain (11:51)
The Hips
Step 1-Is it coming from the back? Here are some hints (2:49)
Lets talk about slow and fast responding clients (3:11)
The assessment procedure (3:54)
The assessment procedure continued (3:14)
Remember you can always use isometrics to increase ROM and remove pain (1:41)
When using a squat to assess look for poor loading capabilities (1:11)
The first exercise to give with a modification if necessary (7:45)
Once the hip is getting more pain free we can increase ROMs isometrically (10:22)
Balance exercises (1:35)
Treating the psoas and surrounding structures (0:32)
The Knees
The knee and the most common restrictions you will find (6:36)
How to assess the knee-checking extension passively (3:52)
How to assess the knee-checking tibial internal rotation (2:41)
How to do advanced IASTM Gua Sha for the knees on the table (3:10)
How to do advanced IASTM Gua Sha for the knees sitting (1:53)
How to do advanced IASTM Gua Sha for the knees standing (1:35)
How to do advanced IASTM Gua Sha for the hamstrings (3:28)
Ankles and achilles problems
Assessing the ankle-checking dorsiflexion and the loading exercises (6:47)
Assessing the ankle-checking lateral tibial glide on clients (4:15)
Loosening up the ankles with calcaneal mobs (1:11)
How to do advanced IASTM Gua Sha for the ankles and achilles tendons (7:04)
congratulations (1:37)
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How I fixed my worst lower back pain ever and you will be able too
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